Emergency food supplies

Hello everyone! This the first post in this section…food supplies. I find that everyone I talk to about what they have in regards to emergency food supplies, I get the same answer…”they will go to the supermarket and stock before any danger”. The problem with that is that by the time you get there, the necessity items may already be gone. If that is the case, you are already behind the power curve.

The majority of the population depend on getting to stores quickly and stocking up…in my own opinion, this is a big mistake. First off what constitutes an emergency situation? Is it weather, disaster, or panic? Now what happens when everyone in your immediate location thinks the same way? Panic!

being able to be self-sustained allows you to prepare other items rather than fight the hordes that may ensue a mass flight to the local grocery store. Now throw in there a major weather threat such as a hurricane, tornado and such and the hysteria is magnified. The law-abiding citizen is going to follow the rules and be peaceful, but those not prone to abiding to civilized actions will resort to looting…again look back at Katrina. That will give you a snapshot of what happens when normal and unprepared people are put in extreme conditions. I am not advocating to stock up for Armageddon and head to the hills, but rather to think ahead and have the resources to feed your family or yourself. It may food for 72 hours, a month, or more…that all comes down to what you believe is necessary. I advocate and actually keep emergency food supplies for 3 months for 4 people.

Now the question could be what is the best source or company to use? Many campers out there prefer Mountain House, but in my opinion, they are great for camping but when it comes down to quality and price, my choice is Wise Food Supplies. They carry a great line and packed in buckets that can easily be stored and carried. Compared to other companies such as Mountain House, Wise actually carries a real meat product (protein) that is freeze-dried and in individual servings…while Mountain House carries theirs in #10 cans that once open has to be used up in order to not spoil. To me that is a big difference.

In the end, it is up to you on what you need…

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